Selected Publications

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Ziemke T & Thellman S (2022). Do we really want AI to be human-like?. Science Robotics, 7(68), eadd0641.

Thellman S, de Graaf M & Ziemke T (2022). Mental State Attribution to Robots: A Systematic Review of Conceptions, Methods, and Findings. ACM Transactions on Human-Robot Interaction, in press (published online 14 April 2022)

Ziemke T (2022). Embodiment in Cognitive Science and Robotics. In: Cangelosi A & Asada M (eds.) Cognitive Robotics (pp. 213-229). Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. [NB: the whole book is open access]

Johansson R, Karlsson A, Andler S, Brohede N, van Laere J, Klingegård M & Ziemke T (2022). On the Definition and Scope of Information Fusion as a Field of Research. ISIF Perspectives on Information Fusion, 5(1), 3-12.


de Graaf M, Dragan A, Malle B & Ziemke T (eds.) (2021). Special Issue on Explainable Robot Behavior. ACM Transactions on Human-Robot Interaction, 10(3).

Thellman S & Ziemke T (2021). The perceptual belief problem: Why explainability is a tough challenge in social robotics. ACM Transactions on Human-Robot Interaction, 10(3), article 29.

Thunberg S & Ziemke T (2021). User-centred design of humanoid robots’ communication. Paladyn – Journal of Behavioral Robotics, 12(1): 58-73.


Ziemke T (2020). Understanding Robots. Science Robotics, 5(46), eabe2987.

Thellman S & Ziemke T (2020). Do You See what I See? Tracking the Perceptual Beliefs of Robots. iScience, 23, 101625.

Thunberg S, Rönnqvist L & Ziemke T (2020). Do Robot Pets Decrease Agitation in Dementia Patients?. In: Wagner et al. (eds) Social Robotics. ICSR 2020. LNCS, 12483. Springer, Cham.

Billing E, Belpaeme T, Cai H, Cao H-L, Ciocan A, Costescu C, David D, Homewood R, Hernandez Garcia D, Gómez Esteban P, Liu H, Nair V, Matu S, Mazel A, Selescu M, Senft E, Thill S, Vanderborght B, Vernon D & Ziemke T (2020). The DREAM Dataset: Supporting a data-driven study of autism spectrum disorder and robot enhanced therapy. PLoS ONE, 15(8): e0236939.


Cao HL, Esteban PG, Bartlett M, Baxter P, Belpaeme T, Billing E, Cai H, Coeckelbergh M, Costescu C, David D, De Beir A, Hernandez D, Kennedy J, Liu H, Matu S, Mazel A, Pandey A, Richardson K, Senft E, Thill S,Van de Perre G, Vanderborght B, Vernon D, Wakanuma K, Yu H; Zhou X & Ziemke T (2019). Robot-Enhanced Therapy: Development and Validation of Supervised Autonomous Robotic System for Autism Spectrum Disorders Therapy. IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine, 26(2), 49-58.

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